I'm in Ohio right now probably raiding Hobby Lobby, eating a Panera Bagel, or relaxing in the pool with a beverage.
on that note..I thought I would add some random things I've learned in my 35 years and some things that I need to remind my self of from time to time...
Now some of this is touchy feelie..I am NOT a touchy feelie person so bare with me....there may be F bombs but hey....this is MY blog..if you don't like it..please don't read
There is nothing that compares to my love for my children..I never understood this until I had two of my own...when I think about my kids...my heart swells..
my husband really is my best friend ..I don't need to gush all over him in public for him to know this
You need to do what makes you Happy...Happy wife Happy life right!
You need to know when to say NO...sometimes enough really is enough.
there is a fine line between supporting someone and enabling them
its important to take the time to be THANKFUL for what you have...there will always be someone who has more money, a bigger house, more more more...but there are alot of people who have far less...sometimes you need to pull your head out of your ass and remember that!
"if you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down"- Toni Morrison
there really is such a thing as too much coffee
I will only apologize if I actually mean it
the past really is the past..you can only learn from it
Don't ask for an opinion if you really don't want to hear one....
I acknowledge my inner Bitch and I embrace it...I'm Irish and a Leo...'nuf said
I am not embarrassed that pretty papers and fabric make me giddy
sometimes I have to put myself in time out for bad behaviour...
Being a friend should not suck the life out of you..it should breathe life into you, if its too much effort..its not true friendship
There is such a thing as doing something JUST to be nice...without expecting something in return..it feels great...you should try it...
Some people really DO need a kick in the head
Always kiss your kids goodnight..although my 16 year old thinks I'm bat shit crazy
Admit when you are wrong..own up to things, dont act like a little bitch..its really annoying
You really CAN'T be all things to all people
saying FUCK really is cathartic