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Monday, August 16, 2010

the view from here

its an absolutely stunning day here on Hutchinson Island.....

this is the view taken from the patio..we are so close to the ocean



Lola and I were out searching for shells and we were lucky enoughto see a few DOLPHINS feeding about 50 feet out...

unfortunately I did not have my camera


now off to the pool..TOO many jelly fish for my liking today

end note...anyone else still reeling over True Blood..



Joanne said...

It looks amazing... I am sooooo jealous!

Lynnes old blog said...

Wow! Now that's what I call a view! (wish it was mine LOL!)

Maria Fiscella said...

Loonie Gathering 2011? Hell yeah. Wowzers.

Jeannie said...

Oh my ... spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Awesome view!!! wish I was back at the ocean! Have a great time!

Charlene Austin said...

OH MY GAWWWWWD!!!!!!! Turn that camera around and show us a photo from the ocean so we can see what you are staying in.

Um let's see.....Loonie get together in Calgary or the beach? Gee...I wonder. WOOHOO!!!!

Steph said...

So jealous...what a beautiful beach!!

Rosanne said...

Terrific view! I loved this week's True Blood!

Anonymous said...

Hey ReRun - Have to leave this anonymously but LOVE your oceanview. Cheers big ears! C.

Deanna said...

Ah how relaxing... I am looking at a very similar view now!