KATE tagged me the other day and since I am at home today- Lola's daycare cancelled today...damn sickness...
lolIt is the season of snot!!!
Seven random facts...hmmm I am the QUEEN of random!!!!
1. I am allergic to shellfish...bleh plus it smell like ass so I probably wouldn't eat it anyway.
2. I am a natural blonde- keep the comments to yourself........DEE.....
3. I am 5'2"
4. I work for the Government...yes I actually do work and I LOVE my job!!!!!.
5. I love heavy rammy music.. Tool, Korn, Manson, Alexisonfire, Queens of the Stoneage
6. I am obsessed with all things VAMPIRE- see my earlier post..um..yeah.... that b0y makes my thighs shake!!
7. I wanted to be a lawyer..maybe I will be when I grow up!!!!
Now...I am not going to pass this along...I know I know- I am a rebel rule breaker but everyone I would tag seems to be tagged.......my bad!!