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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LRW......with Felt

Happy Hump Day

Its LRW day and this week....I did...GASP....a LAYOUT...I know....what is up with me??



this week's challenge was to use felt..

I got these DELISH SU felt sweet peas and I know I will never use them on a card to giveaway so I scrapped a really old photo of my Lola ...

Go have a lookie at what the other ladies did...click the link on my sidebar

Thanks for peekin'


Tracey said...

And a gorgeous layout it is! Love this Regs!

Avril Tanner said...

Absolutely adorable!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Love that layout! Lola is soooo cute! Where is her curly hair???

Joanne said...

Aaaawww! So sweet!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!

(-: Heidi